Sunday, September 12, 2021


Draft after drafts... Who's counting right? Nobody knows it, nobody sees it, except for me and the people/bots manning this website I guess. 

It's good practice I suppose.. To keep writing (more like typing. But you get the drill)... Even if it's just in drafts... At least I'm writing (typing) right? Is this not a form of escapism/running away/avoiding? Coz I could just actually write these thoughts down in my journal... Why am I not doing that? Lazy? Can't it simply be because I don't feel like it? Of course it can. Who's talking? 

Why type instead of write? It's FASTER! And deletable instead of having to physically cross words that we thought of deleting later to replace with words that we deem 'better'. And they get saved in drafts. And they remain accessible from anywhere coz they're digital. 

But why write instead of type? It's much better for our motor skills. And studies have shown (they have! I just don't remember the sources pardon me), that we remember things better when we physically write them down, as in, our brains actually record some sort of documentation in our neuropaths much better than if we are to simply type them. Yes, we remember things when we type them out coz duh, they obviously get documented. But not the way that writing does. 

I'm just procrastinating am I... I have tonnes of things weighing in my brain right now and I've been triggered to feel overwhelmed a few times throughout today... I've taken the time to contemplate and meditate, put phone on silent, spent some time connecting with the kids, but no I have to do the hard (and actual) work of addressing the issues one by one; work, projects, big decision making on where to live and a divorce... 

Drafts... i'm sure I'll look back and read these things with less heaviness in my being years on.

My relationship with Sturcture and Perfection

 I realised that when it comes to writing, I have this urge to do it perfectly, to make it sound like I’m smart, ‘mature’ (a word I liked to...