Friday, August 12, 2011

The Angry Bitch Project - Day 1


I managed to find the time to post something a day after I posted something. That, for me is already an achievement, after years of not being able to do so. So, kudos, Amy Dangin!

Anyway, Day 1 of the Angry Bitch Project is not so bad. In fact, niente is bad about it because today we flew back home to Bintulu! Yeay! Yes. everything went perfectly well. no hiccups (thus far, and I hope it'll stay that way longer).

Seeing my son met and hugged everyone back here is just amazing. Not only that, just the simple fact of coming back, awes me... And not forgetting to mention, meeting The Man, (laki sa lah... sepa lagi...) Hehehe...

Anyhoos, Day 2 went well, congratulations Amy D!

Till tomorrow,
Angry Bitch

p.s. This trip is Parkcity Everly Hotel's kindly sponsored trip. They brought me home to emcee for their event, The Wedding Fair, and paid for everything, including an awesome hotel room and all the food we want to eat. Awesomeness!

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