Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Dancing Queen

It's been ages since I last got in touch with the Internet. At least I feel so. And man, ain't it torturing... So now that I get the chance to do so, what's better to do than update everyone, right? Here goes...

If you don't already know, I'm in Bintulu, living the life of a Dancing Queen, or Singing Queen that is. It was initially a decision that I almost feared as something that I might regret. But my my... am I not loving it that I might even do this longer than I planned to.

It's a small but happening town. People are nice; from the Immigration officer I met the moment I arrived at the airport, to the taxi driver who took me to Casablanca, to my band members whom I'm working with cum my housemates, to the customers who come to watch us perform, to the baternders at my workplace, the owner, the tauke... Everyone. Well at least for now, which is only my second week here. *smiles*

My job, simple. Just do it while having fun. Sometimes by our fourth set I'd be worn out, tired of singing and dancing, but it's a sin to stop smiling and look bored when you're doing this kind of job. So there I go, smiling, singing and dancing like there's no tomorrow. But I ain't complaining. By the end of the day, it's always a nice feeling.

I'm still not sure how long will I keep doing this (Shush, don't tell my mom I said that). I do have bigger dreams, this is just one of it and I'm living it. Felt it. Now I can say I've been there and done that. So now I'm set to live my other dreams, which could turn out to be a long list. But nevermind Amy; one step at a time. So friends, family, folks, don't worry, this is not all that I'm living for. Maybe for now. But I know very well that my other dreams are waiting to be lived.

Cheers. More later.


Anonymous said...

Good to hear that you are doing great.

eNatasha said...

Hot damn. Dancing/Singing queen? wow, i admire you for going after and living one of your many dreams.

have fun there and take care of urself okai :)

p/s: cubaaa la update as often as u can.. will miss your post.

Amy D said...

Hehe. Aite, will try. Susah bah. Ada masa online pun cari lagu ja. But sia cuba lah k. Thank you loyal reader. hehe. Cheers!

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