Tuesday, August 16, 2022


Stuff that's in my head right now;

Baby Koa's birth certificate, need to go to the National Registration Department to get this done, and I hate dealing with public service counters coz they're known to be...difficult, need to decide whether or not I'm including the father's name and details in the cert, kids' education, money matters, postnatal fats, things to giveaway or organise a garage sale, things to talk about as a public figure which if identified will provide for easier channeling of ideas in future job requests, unhealthy routine & diet, I need supplements, meaning, budget for that, Rhu's fever, Micah & Dante's routine, been taking about sending them for martial art or music or swimming or coding classes, their emotional health, subbing as translator, copywriting, proofreading, conversational English, etc., trying not to think about social media coz I know I need to but am procrastinating, the ant problem in my house.. 

I had some thoughts earlier, during my meditation yesterday and today, that I couldn't possibly recall right now. About feeling inspired to initiate something... All i recall is needing to jot it down then and there but was not willing to stop my already half-way meditation... Makes me wonder what do you do when that happens? I mean, in meditation, is it better to pause and write down these ideas or don't do that and risk forgetting those ideas like me right now?

I figured that if I am to restart writing for the sake of getting better at articulating my thoughts so I can improve my communication skills for work or personal relationships, I might as well start consistently journaling my thoughts since thousands of them come and make space in my head everyday. 

I hope that by doing this often, I'll be able to see some improvement in the way I process my thoughts, so that this habit of overthinking will work IN my favour instead of against; consistently resisting had proven that it gets nowhere, just constant recycle of the same situations, as if the universe is trying to tell me that I didn't get the lesson YET. 

Also, I need to prepare scripts for a few gigs, might as well. 



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