Monday, August 25, 2008

"I Swear..."

It seems like crimes and wrongdoings these days can be easily 'cleansed' and justified just by taking oaths. First, the allegedly sodomized pretty boy. Then, the whole government crew asking Anwar to 'prove' his innocence by doing the same. And then, in the latest oath-taking trend updates, Najib did so too, 'proving' his innocence over the dead Mongolian's murder.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. You want to take oaths or cleanse your sins (as Najib would have it) in the Islamic way, go ahead. But why make a big fuss out of it? Why push people to do it? Because I think that when it comes to religion, willingness matters, meaning that you shouldn't challenge people to do it, nor dare them. Judging by the reports by the media these past couple of weeks, taking oaths have been made to sound like it's a sure thing that proves truth or justice. Does that mean that anyone who takes oaths by books deemed holy by believers are off the legal hook? That just because you SAY and 'admit' that you did not do something, means that you truly did not do it?

“Anwar says he cannot trust the police, courts and doctors. Don’t tell me even in Allah he does not trust?” he (Najib) told reporters while visiting Taman Sembilang in Seberang Jaya yesterday.

May I offer you my two cents on this? Err... Anwar did take the oath ten years back when he was first accused of the same case, sodomy (duh). But he ended up being sent to jail anyway, for six years (poor guy). So, I think it's not the case of whether or not he believes in Allah. I think it's the case of having have to do things and settle matters your way, dear Government.

Never before has a by-election been so heavily publicized, or being paid so much attention to. But I guess this one's a completely different one, as we're facing the possibility of having a sodomiser as a Prime Minister. Yes, the current ruling power is so worried that the Rakyat of Malaysia will be ruled by a gay fellow that they're doing all they can to gain the people's trust, including decreasing the fuel price by 15 cents (correct me if I'm wrong), two days prior to by-election polling day, when they could have done so weeks ago when the world crude oil price dropped (yea, it didn't just dropped days ago). Wow, how thoughtful.

By reading my posts, readers might have the notion that I'm anti-government and pro-Anwar, or a die-hard supporter of the opposition. News, I'm neither. I, like many others I bet, am just wishing for a change. I never said that the opposition will make good or better leaders than the shitheads we already have now. They (Anwar and his crew) will definitely bring changes should they win this. But for better or worse, God knows which. But for better or worse, it's gonna be a change, and that is all I'm looking forward to. Our Malaysia is already a mess anyway. Any change (good or bad) is better than sitting there taking all the shit the so-called leaders are giving us.

Even the media are getting to obviously biased. I don't know if it's just me or they are publishing/broadcasting all that is good about the government and criticising Anwar to his guts. Bikin sakit hati bah kalau tinguk brita skarang. Silaka. So you see, that is why sometimes I'd rather not pay attention to the media, coz they're just as screwed up as the government anyway.

It's five days to Merdeka Day, but who's talking about it? Comparing last two year's celebration with that of this year's, it doesn't feel as liberating as the former's. At least I think so. Lesser people bother about waving the Jalur Gemilang this year, or even giving a damn about it at all. What does that say?
Looking forward to August 31st had turned stale since couple of years back (yea, being a non-Muslim and a Sabahan, I have a lot to complain about). But this year, it's even worse. I'm only looking forward to it because of the holiday we'll be having on Monday (screammmmmmmmmm!!!). But i guess that all depend on tomorrow's result. Let's see what happens after tomorrow (I honestly can't wait). But in the meantime, I'll just pay attention to the EPL. Coincidently, Liverpool is playing against The Villains on the 31st of August. Yeap, I'm looking forward to that.


-_- said...

now that anwar won the seat, what happened to the sodomised boy eh? no news from him at all, except for the "missing" doctor that made his appearance in public to confirm that nothing wrong with saiful's anus.

Amy D said...

that's what I was thinking. Isn't it obvious yet that the whole sodomy thingy was just a political ploy?

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