Monday, August 8, 2011


Seriously Amy, just how hard is it to consistently update your blog??? Ugh...


Edna said...

Busy maybe the reason amy. hehe...Quite lama oo ko x update ur blog...

Amy D said...

Busy and macam berkurangan sudah sa punya vocabulary. Eeeee... tia buli ni! Mesti mo regain itu inspiration! Haha!

Joshua C said...

I'm proud of u gf... u can really write... and express ur thoughts... unlike me(ur husband)... lack of vocabulary, ideas and everything... see? nothing.... LOL.... keep it up... lots of love...

-joshua C-

My relationship with Sturcture and Perfection

 I realised that when it comes to writing, I have this urge to do it perfectly, to make it sound like I’m smart, ‘mature’ (a word I liked to...