Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Crossword Puzzle Over Chauvinism

Fortunately i brought my crossword puzzle book along. At least i had something to do rather than listen to another prolonged, time-consuming (or time-wasting i would say), baseless, crappy speech about special rights of a certain race. Okay, Malay. There you go, i said it (and yes it makes me sick already alright, so sue me).
I did not expect to gain much from the talk/speech/or whatever you call it, that my lecturer asked all of me classmates to attend. But i honestly did not expect to be injected with chauvanistic/racist statements either. The moment he said out loud that "kita tidak harus pandang ringan hak kita sebagai M...", I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Here we go again..." Seriously, when will you people (not all the Malays, only those who is so into chauvinism) ever stop?
Trust me, i'm not racist, nor do i support people who talks about it. But you know what, it makes me sick to hear some of 'em "clever" so-called leaders who keep on talking about fighting for racial rights and shit. Melayu ka, India ka, sama ja semua. I thought we're supposed to be a harmonius multi-racial country and our fore-fathers had long instilled in us a pride in the fact that although we're all different, we're all one. To this very day we're still able to see and hear leaders of our nation saying "Kita harus berbangga kerana kita adalah bangsa terbilang..." Ah, bullshit. Hypocrites. We keep on putting this front to other nations that we're all united and able to work together as one nation. But what truly happens is that we keep making fuss about our special rights, demanding to be given extra attention than the other races. And just why the hell there are special rights implemented in the constitution if really, REALLY we're all about unity and harmony?
If there was anything anyone ever did wrong in the history of Malaysia, it would be putting down the Union Jack and replacing it with...you know what. I was once proud to be a Malaysian. Now i barely care about what happens. Coz the pride had already been broken by completely idiotic individuals who always forgot that we're a multi-racial nation acting as one and moving towards one goal; for the prosperity of the country, and just can't seem to stop 'bising-bising' pasal hak-hak mereka like drawing out a Keris when doing his speech. Racist.

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