Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Angry Bitch Project - FAILED

Alas, the 30-day Angry Bitch Project is over, and deemed failed. I'm honestly sorry for those who actually read it and had more faith in me than I do in myself (and I'm truly grateful that you do). But I'm not sorry that I failed and I'm not going to justify that I did. If there's anything about me that's consistent, it's inconsistency. It was initially depressing to know that. But when I think about it, it really isn't that bad. I'm not proud about it; it would have been very awesome and I'd probably be some sort of a greatness by now if I had been consistent in at least something - other than inconsistency. But to whine, stress out, and talk on and on about it would not do me any good.

Lesson learned; not to challenge myself for anything that needs consistency, like promising to update my blog every single day. Ha. What were you thinking, Amy??

With love,
Yours truly.

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