Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fighter Jets Over The Dying

I had just entered Tesco with my housemates when a middle-aged Chinese man approached us and enlightened us with all the information regarding MAKNA and cancer. Nope, i didn't yawn neither did i feel sleepy at all. I heard of MAKNA before this but i didn't know that we can actually register to donate through our bank accounts or income taxes, which is cool. There are packages available, you can choose from, according to how much you think you can afford to donate every month, totally up to yourself.

I was happy this man showed up and feed us with the inoformation. Although, it was actually a mistake because he thought we were working adults (i just got back from the office - yeah, where i'm doing my practical training in - so i was in my power suit, ha ha, which might have led him to think that i'm currently working). ANYWAY... Yah, as i was saying, it's good to know that such method of donation exists. I'll give it a thought once i start earning a stable financial resources called wage.

But throughout the entire time this man was telling me about the number of cancer patients in Malaysia alone, and the figures needed to help assist them in medication, i was thinking, "If only i have all the money in the world..." RM50,000 needed for a child with leukimia. But our government spent RM20,000 per candidate for election campaigns. We can even seal a US$900 million deal for fighter jets. Fighter jets and political party flags, over sick and dying children... How pathetic.

I have money. I get a RM3k loan for every six months. Yes, i might have spent it all on stuffs that most people including my mother would have deemed as unecessary. If only i had chose to give that RM1 to that beggar i passed by this morning at the monorail station instead of buying a RM100 PDI jeans, then maybe i have every right to chastise the government and the rich A-class folks earning RM50 000 a month for not contributing to MAKNA or any non-profitable organizations for that matter. But i had chosen the jeans over the poor beggar who could have had something for lunch with the RM1 i could have given him.


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