Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Selfish Scumbags

The massive traffic congestion two days back didn't die down as soon as i thought it would have. Yesterday while on our way back from the office, my friends and i had another 'discussion' about it, obviously being against the police and the authority over them who had assigned them that stupid task of having have to stand there doing nothing except placed con/corn/cone (Damn it, i forgot how to spell the word) by the road sides, making it impossible for the traffic to move smoothly, konon-kononnya to deter Anwar's followers from organizing a rally, which didn't happen *exhales breath*. Okay, i'm obviously still pissed about it. Everybody is lah.

I thought that the road bloack was set at such a bad time; early monday morning when people are rushing to get to work on time, left damn early just to beat the traffic jam. We were stuck in it for a complete two hours. Everybody came in late that day. And then the next day, the government just turn up in the front page of mainstream print media and apologized. Walaweh... Well, they're not paying for their car fuel tank anyway, neither do they have to drive, do they?

The worse part is that the police did NOTHING. Nada. Niente. Rien. They just stood there and talk. I assumed that they're on stand-by mode just in case a rally happens and get out of hand. But if that was what it was, are the cons/corns/cones (shit, i don't know how to the damn word) necessary? Was it really even useful for them to narrow the path for motorists to use? And if so, they didn't even warn us about it. So everybody ended up swearing all the way to work, honking each other, angry, and arrived at the office cranky. I hate to say it, but they can be very selfish sometimes.

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