Wednesday, July 16, 2008

An Unbeatable Brilliant

"Brilliant. That old man still has it," was my first thought when i watched the "Tubuh Kerajaan Hari Ini, Harga Minyak Turun Hari Esok" debate between Anwar and Shabery. I found myself nodding to everyone of Anwar's points, and said "Cheh!" to every one of Shabery's. Does that make mean that i'm against the government and pro-opposition?

I'm on nobody's side. But i must admit that the de facto leader is damn convincing. He has a charisma that would make people who support him give their whole heart and soul to defend this leader. And i don't know if it's just me or the debater he was against was a bit too defensive. I must say that he did a great job lah, going against someone as great as Anwar (yeah, i really think he's brilliant). But i think that he was acting too defensive of the government that he came on too strong about it, which is too bad, coz wouldn't that make the Rakyat feel like the government is going against them?

In defending their decision to rise up the fuel price in this country, the government really should stop comparing our price with other countries. A lot of things should be taken into account; producing country, inflation rate, purchasing power, etc. And Anwar was right, we have nothing against Petronas. What's in question is the processes run by the government (like, somebody please tell me what the hell IPP is for? A body that regulates how much of Petronas' revenue goes to the government and to TNB or anything else so that it wouldn't look like the government is robbing Petronas off its money directly, is it)?

Of course, i hate to make an ass out of you and me. So i won't assume. But uhm, somebody please enlighten me if you may.

What makes me really look up to Anwar is how he always managed to maintain his composure, never losing his cools. With all the shit that he went through and still fighting to this very day, awesome i would say.

But i still think that the massive traffic jam was a set up, to give the rakyat the perception that "Because of Anwar, we had to endure this kinda shit." Don't you think? But yah, i don't wanna start being a movement leader or anything. Just sharing my two cents worth.


p/s: This had just got in. Anwar's arrested, two hours ago. I thought they said a 2pm deadline, not 1.15pm. and he was late because he was at the ACA for questioning. What the crap??

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