Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mixed Up Priorities

Our ministers and MPs are fighting over what kind of cars to use; filling spaces of printed media just arguing about which one will cost them more/less. We are arguing about territorial sea and how many nautical miles do each side owns with Singapore. Our government is doing all within (or even over) their limits to stop a de facto leader from taking over governance, even up to the point of getting it all mixed up with the latter's personal life. So what if he had anal sex with a guy (note, i sad 'IF', indicating that i still don't buy the whole political ploy setup by the governmnet)? Now sendiri susah have to explain to diplomats about what's actully going on (i doubt it was a thorough, unbiased explaination tho').

All the attention to these - what i would consider as nothing that needs immediate attention - compared to other problems going on in this country. 127 juveniles are being locked-up, as of yesterday, which i bet will increase in number, given a few days. Our inflation rate had reached a number higher than ever (7.7%folks... 7.7). 2,957 people still lost, location unknown, still searched by family members, and yes, this includes children ( A total number of 43,897 cases of murder, rape, robbery, armed attacks, etc. as of 2008 itself. 1 more league title before Manchester United beats Liverpool's record of 18 times league champion... (yes, this disturbs me too. Kidding). The list goes on. And these are only the number of recorded cases, excluding those unreported.

How can our authorities are acting so eager and determined about matters like what car should the members of the cabinet use, or did or did not Anwar sodomized Saiful? How can we spent millions on an astronaut program and another millions on dams when that money could have been spent on R&D for better security or more effective economy system? Are hydroelectric resources, low-maintenance Mercedes-Benz cars, more important than the lives of the people?

Who is supposed to ensure the betterment of the rakyat? Who is supposed to look after the safety of the rakyat? Is not that the police's, government's job? Oh, wait a minute, our police are all busy ensuring the safety of our MPs and Dato's. 50 police officers to guard one minister, when somewhere else a child is being kidnapped, raped and murdered. Nice job, officers. How mesra, cepat and betul you guys are. And the government, who is supposed to think of ways to reduce the burden of the rakyat in trying to make a living for a life that is becoming more and more expensive? Oh, they're busy trying to stop this one man from taking over power. Yeap, they're all too busy. Let's not kacau them doing their job.

Yes, i'm bitter. But do you think that i'm proud doing this? I mean, i'm talking about my government here. One is supposed to be proud of their country and all i ever do is say, "Screw them." When one criticises and chastise a government, there must be something wrong in what they're doing. Besides, I ain't the first person to do this. Thousands of other people are pretty mad at the government. That means, there must be something REALLY wrong in what they're doing. We can't be complaining for nothing, right?

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