Friday, July 4, 2008

Truth Is Ugly

Since examination and assignment deadlines last April, i barely paid any attention to what's going on in the politics of this country, or to anything else in the news for that matter. And then semester break came which only worsened the condition of my awareness and information level. It itched me to not know what to say in return when friends or people who knows i'm into these things talk about it. My connection to the virtual world - where i normally feed my brain with the latest updates - was completely cut. I vowed that once i get connected again, on a frequent basis, i will read these kind of stuff again, intensively. And one of my favorites is always Raja Petra's. So i confidently went to my blog where i've listed Malaysia Today as one of y favorites, and clicked it. To my surprise, it's no longer there. It was hacked. I hope i'm not the only donkey who just found out about that. Boy how stupid i will look. But like i said, my connection to the virtual world was completely cut. It's not that the place that i came from do not have any ainternet connection, it's just that i barely have the time to sit and face the PC. But getting back to what i was talking about, one of my favorite website, hacked.

That wasn't all that happened after my comeback (cheh, macam star. Pui). Malaysian politics are definitely getting messier by the day. After only one month of taking a break, including not logging in into blogspot, the face of this country's governance and politics had gone ugly, and it looks like an unrepairable ugliness, which i hope would be otherwise. I desperately need to catch up with things, but there's just too much of it that i'm running out of breath. Sodomy case of you-know-who resurfacing, Altantuya's case still unresolved, Deputy Minister being involved in it, Raja Petra's arrests, the "no-confidence" stand of opposition parties, fuel price hike and the presumed agenda behind it, yada yada yada... The list goes on. Sigh.

As if it's not bad enough that there are people who just had to murder to resolve problems, rape to satisfy their lusts, drive fast and wrecklessly simply for the adrenaline rush, etc., we just have to have leaders - be it on the national level or states - who are self-centered, authority-hungry, power-abusive and self-profit-seeking, don't we? Great.

As ugly as things are currently, with the thinnest hope of things turning out to be better, let's not look at it with ignorance, nor pessimism. It's easier to be ignorant, and indifferent. That's what i've been for the past couple of months. And no, i do not like the feeling. When at first you thought that what you don't know won't hurt you, it's even more hurtful to know that what you don't know is actually happening and other people obviously know about it but you don't know about it. As Barrack Obama would have it, "Audacity of Hope", instead of arrogance. Do know, and hope that things will get better.

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