Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Panic Over A Glass of Water

No, the title is not some sort of metaphor i use trying to explain things. I really did panicked over a glass of water. In fact, i even got nervous over binders and scanning machines.

I've always been the kind of person who couldn't care less about the big things, what more could it be with the smaller ones. I don't care if i'm late. I don't care if i don't attend class. I don't care if i don't get an A. I don't care if i don't fold my blanket. I don't care if there's glue marks on my white paper. I don't care if there's coffee stains on my paperworks. I barely care about anything. Just as long as I'm comfortable and didn't get in anybody's way, then so be it.

But since starting my industrial training/practical training/internship (whatever you may call it), i find myself not only CARING about how i get things done, but more of WORRIED about them. I actually give a shit (excuse the language, the statement is just darn miraculous to use normal words) about whether or not the clippings do not have glue marks on them, whether or not the cutting edges are straight and neat (no, i really mean REALLY, accurately neat), whether or not the mobile phone numbers have to have spaces in between the first three numbers, whether or not the paperwork is binded neatly, whether or not i should use the Nescafe free mug or the plain one to serve a glass of water to a client... all sorts of other things that all this while up to this moment, i never thought would matter.

So i guess, this industrial training is good for me. Maybe now i'll start learning to fold my blankets upon waking up. What does a blanket has to do with clippings and bindings and industrial training? Neatness. Things need to be organized. Things had to be in order. Life has to be neat. Not perfect. Just neat.

* * *

This is really just to update all of my readers what i'm currently at. Internship. Fun? Hmmm... Still adjusting. The people here are great. But i've yet to apply what i've learned in my three years of uni to practice. Yet. Oh, i really want to tell you the name of this company, but i can't. They have some internet policy and one of the content is about name-mentioning. Darn.
More later.


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