Monday, July 14, 2008

A Job Well Done

It's always a great feeling to know that you did a good job completing an assignment given to you. And today, i feel that way. Thanks to my buddy (name undisclosed due to security and confidential reasons. Yeah whatever).

He handed the assignment to me more than a week ago and what did i do? What i ususally do; procrastinate. Well look, it's not like i delayed the work just because i don't feel like doing it. It really was because i was (and still am until he finally break it down for me minutes ago) completely clueless of what is it that is supposed to come out of the assignment.

So i lingered on wondering and searching in the virtual world for information, which came out with nothing because as i said, i was completely clueless of what is it that he wanted me to do.

So last night (yeah, only last night like 1am, so it's technically this morning), i opened the laptop without the singlest useful idea in my head and typed. With the help of my best-functioning-in-pressure-brain and the power of prayer + trust in God that i can actually do it, i went on typing until i eventually completed the assignment. I was amazed... at the fact of me being able to fininsh it alone.

And then when my buddy asked for it, he actually said that i did a great job *smiles widely*. He went on to say that what he'd given me was actually an impossible task. But i managed to complete it anyway. So there i went, "YEAY!!!" in my heart, only able to be exhibitted physically with a subtle smile, coz i just didn't want to appear to be too proud.


1 comment:

Hanya Uvet said...

Oh I know this. U put a prayer in my Something-For-God-To-Do-Box kan that day. Tiba2 sa ada mood nie mo baca post ko ni hari. Miss u AmY!

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